Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Furniture and Fixtures of the UP Baguio Library
Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2024-03 Attachment: PhilGEPS Bid Notice Abstract
Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2024-03 Attachment: PhilGEPS Bid Notice Abstract
Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB-GOODS-NP2024-01 Attachment: PhilGEPS Bid Notice Abstract
Subject Closed: RGSA CARPETS & INTERIOR PRODUCTS, INC. Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2024-02 Attachment: Notice to Proceed_RGSA Carpets & Interior Products, Inc. Contract Agreement Form_RGSA Carpets & Interior Products, Inc. Notice of…
Subject Closed: FILCRAFTERS, INC. Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2024-04 Attachment: Notice to Proceed_Filcrafters, Inc. Contract Agreement Form_Filcrafters, Inc. Notice of Award_Filcrafters, Inc. BAC Resolution declaring LCRB_Filcrafters, Inc.
Subject Closed: CERTEZA INFOSYS CORP. Reference No. UPB-GOODS-np2024-01a Attachment: Notice of Award - Certeza Infosys Corp. BAC Resolution - Certeza Infosys Corp. Notice to Proceed - Certeza Infosys Corp. Contract…
Subject Failure of Bidding Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-06A Attachment: BAC Resolution - Failure of Bidding
Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-14A Attachment: BAC Resolution - Cancelled
Subject Failure of Bidding Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-15A Attachment: BAC Resolution - Failure of Bidding
Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-18A Attachment: BAC Resolution - Cancelled
Subject Closed: FEDSTRONG SECURITY SERVICES, INC. Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2024-01 Attachment: Notice of Award - Fedstrong Security Services, Inc. BAC Resolution - Fedstrong Security Services, Inc. Notice to Proceed - Fedstrong…