Consulting Services for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement and Facilitation of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) Application of UP Baguio

Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB-CONSULTING-2023-01 Attachment: BAC Resolution - Cancelled

Continue ReadingConsulting Services for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement and Facilitation of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) Application of UP Baguio

Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Various Genuine and Brand-new Laptops, Tablet, and Desktop Computers for UP Baguio

Subject Closed: HEXACOM ENTERPRISES Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-06 Attachment: Notice of Award - Hexacom Enterprises BAC Resolution Declaring Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid - Hexacom Enterprises Notice to Proceed - Hexacom…

Continue ReadingSupply, Delivery, and Installation of Various Genuine and Brand-new Laptops, Tablet, and Desktop Computers for UP Baguio