Spaghetti Coil Mat for UP Baguio
Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB GOODS 2023-05 Attachment: BAC Resolution Cancellation Notice
Subject Cancellation of Bidding Reference No. UPB GOODS 2023-05 Attachment: BAC Resolution Cancellation Notice
Subject Failure of Bidding Reference No. UPB-BID-2023-01 Attachment: BAC Resolution - Failure of Bidding
Subject Closed: Haight's Construction Reference No. UPB-BID2022-04 Attachment: BAC Resolution (Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bidder) Notice of Award -Haight's Construction Notice to Proceed -Haight's Construction Contract Agreement -Haight's Construction
Subject Closed: MARPO Tech International Trading, Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-2022-07-A-NP2 Attachment: BAC Resolution (Single Calculated Bid) Notice of Award -MARPO Tech International Trading, Inc. Notice to Proceed -MARPO Tech International…
Subject Closed: Filcrafters, Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-2022-09 Attachment: BAC Resolution (Lowest Calculated Bid and Responsive Bidder) Notice of Award -Filcrafters,Inc. Notice to Proceed - Filcrafters Contract Agreement - Filcrafters Purchase…
Subject Closed: Enforcecment Security and Investigation Agency, Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-2022-EPA2023-04 Attachment: BAC Resolution (Lowest Calculated Bid and Responsive Bidder) Notice of Award - Enforcement Security and Investigation Agency, Inc.…
Subject Closed: One Merit Global Janitorial Services, Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-2022-EPA2023-03 Attachment: BAC Resolution (Lowest Calculated Bid and Responsive Bidder) Notice of Award -One Merit Global Janitorial Services, Inc. Contract…
Subject Closed: Hexacom Enterprises Reference No. UPB-BID-2022-05-A Attachment: BAC Resolution (Single Calculated Responsive Bid) Notice of Award - Hexacom Enterprises Contract Agreement - Hexacom Enterprises Notice to Proceed - Hexacom…
Subject Failure of Bidding Reference No. UPB-BID2022-07-B-NP2 (Negotiated Procurement) Attachment: BAC Resolution - Failure of Bidding
Subject Closed: Gold Ink Printing Shop Reference No. UPB-BID-2022-06-A Attachment: Abstract of Quotation Purchase Order – Gold Ink Printing Shop Notice to Proceed – Gold Ink Printing Shop Notice of…