Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Theater Chairs at the College of Science Audio Visual Room

Subject Closed: FILCRAFTERS, INC. Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2024-04 Attachment: Notice to Proceed_Filcrafters, Inc. Contract Agreement Form_Filcrafters, Inc. Notice of Award_Filcrafters, Inc. BAC Resolution declaring LCRB_Filcrafters, Inc.

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Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Various Genuine and Brand-new Laptops, Tablet, and Desktop Computers for UP Baguio

Subject Closed: HEXACOM ENTERPRISES Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-06 Attachment: Notice of Award - Hexacom Enterprises BAC Resolution Declaring Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid - Hexacom Enterprises Notice to Proceed - Hexacom…

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Supply and Delivery of Various Garments for the Balay Internasyonal of UP Baguio

Subject Closed: SEAWEED INTERNATIONAL EXPORTS INCORPORATED Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-17 Attachment: Notice of Award - Seaweed International Exports Inc. BAC Resolution Declaring Single Calculated and Responsive Bid - Seaweed International Exports…

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Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Various Genuine and Brand-new Printers, Photocopiers, Scanners, and Projectors of UP Baguio

Subject Closed: MASANGKAY COMPUTER CENTER Reference No. UPB-GOODS-2023-13 Attachment: Notice of Award - Masangkay Computer Center BAC Resolution Declaring Single Calculated and Responsive Bid - Masangkay Computer Center Notice to…

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Construction of Retaining Wall and Ramp at the College of Arts and Communication and Repair and Renovation of former Kape de Arko Site

Subject Closed: LEO HEIRS CONSTRUCTION Reference No. UPB-INFRA-2023-02 Attachment: Notice of Award - Leo Heirs BAC Resolution Declaring Single Calculated and Responsive Bid - Leo Heirs Notice to Proceed -…

Continue ReadingConstruction of Retaining Wall and Ramp at the College of Arts and Communication and Repair and Renovation of former Kape de Arko Site