Subject CLOSED: CAD Construction Corporation Reference No. UPB-BID-2021-1 (2nd Re-Bid) Attachment: Notice to Proceed - CAD Construction Corporation Contract Agreement Notice of Award
Subject CLOSED: CAD Construction Corporation Reference No. UPB-BID-2021-1 (2nd Re-Bid) Attachment: Notice to Proceed - CAD Construction Corporation Contract Agreement Notice of Award
Subject CLOSED: Power Access Electrical Services Reference No. UPB-BID-2021-3 Attachment: BAC Resolution No. 2021-17 BAC Resolution No. 2021-19 Notice of Award - Power Access Electrical Services Purchase Order Contract Agreement -…
Subject CLOSED: ITS Science (Phils.) Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-2021-4 Attachment: Notice of Award - ITS Science (Phils.) Inc. Purchase Order Contract Agreement Notice to Proceed
Subject CLOSED: MC KLeene Premium Products, Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-EPA2021-2 Attachment: Notice of Award Contract Agreement Form Notice to Proceed
Subject CLOSED: Carlo Maximus Security and Investigation Reference No. UPB-BID-EPA2021-1 Attachment: Notice of Award Contract Agreement Form Notice to Proceed
Subject CLOSED: TOYOTA BAGUIO CITY Attachment: Notice of Award
Subject CLOSED: Reinforcement Lights and Sounds. Reference No. UPB-BID-2020-08 Attachment: Notice of Award Contract Agreement Form Notice to Proceed Purchase Order
Subject CLOSED: RAINPHIL Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-2020-05A Attachment: Notice of Award Contract Agreement Form Notice to Proceed Purchase Order Subject CLOSED: BP Integrated Technologies, Inc. Reference No. UPB-BID-2020-05A Attachment: Notice…
Subject Closed: Mountain Studio and Photo Supply Project Furnishing and Delivery of Cellular Cards Attachment: Abstract of Quotation Purchase Order Notice to Proceed Notice of Award Subject Closed: Libtech Source…
Subject CLOSED: C.A.D Construction Corporation Reference No. UP-BID-2019-028 (re-bid) Attachment: Notice of Award Notice To Proceed Contract